Monday, November 29, 2010

Fast and Fragmented

Ever since my last entry, I've been intending to write something about internet dating.  And I will, I will... but not tonight. 

Sometimes I feel like my life is just zipping by at light speed, and I wonder what it will seem like in retrospect -- when, after several years, I look back on this crazy period in my life.  There's no way I'm going to remember everything.  I pride myself on my excellent memory, and yet it happens that entire episodes just fall out of my brain: the other day, a friend of mine was talking about how, when I was pregnant with Sienna, we used to see so much more of each other, and I honestly didn't know what she was talking about.  For example, she referenced an evening when we went out for dessert together, and it sounds plausible enough, but I have no memory of the event.

Today I did a little bit of everything, and then some.  A lot of playing secretary (no, not the fun kind of playing secretary), a lot of laundry, dishes, house cleaning, my property management gig (talking to prospective renters, etc.), some editing, reading books to Sienna, a convivial dinner with friends (interrupted by 10 minutes of making out in the parking lot with Travis, who happened to be driving through my part of town), business strategizing with Parker, tea and a chat with my son Denali, phone calls to my brother and Lilianna and the car insurance people...

What would it be like to wake up with nothing to do?  Or maybe just one or two things, with plenty of time to focus, no need to divide my attention up into little bite-sized portions?

And yet it's also true that, though I sometimes long for more leisure time, I'm feeling very happy with my life right now. I guess this is the luck of the lucky draw: go, go, go!

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