Monday, March 21, 2011

Intermission with the Ambassador

My mother-in-law is a good sport.

I'm not sure she would consider this a compliment, since “good sport” is how Helen often describes her own mother-in-law, who – truth be told – drives her nuts.

But I'm really feeling like giving Helen a chummy old-buddy-old-pal pretend punch to the shoulder, after how terribly sporting she's been on this visit: although, as she'll tell you, she's “not a fan” of polyamory, she's gotten right into the ring during this recent Dominant Paradigm vs. Poly Party Line mud-wrestling match.

Her new play, the one she's been writing with Parker's sister Liz, has a polyamorous couple in it. Helen wanted me and Parker to read it and tell her what we thought. She said she was anxious to present “our side” accurately.

After reading the play, both Parker and I came to the same conclusion: three-fourths of the poly stuff had to go. “It sounds like you're proselytizing,” I said. “Helen, Ambassador for Polyamory, handing out pamphlets to the audience – I'm not sure that's what you're going for.”

She laughed, because, as I said, she's a good sport.

So, we've been revising the play together, with a lot less attention to polyaccuracy. Fair play can sit and spin: what we want is a great play.

Who cares if it makes me look bad? Bring on the mud!

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