Monday, January 24, 2011

Erika's A.S.S. Answers

6 A talent for intimate relationships
I think the people who have been my friends in the last ten years would rate me either a (1) or a (9).  I think I have good problem-solving skills and conflict management resolution skills with people who are like me, unless they are way too much like me.  With people who are not really like me, I get pissy and nasty and I write secretive mean things about them in my blog.  In other words, (1) type behavior.
5 High self esteem 
I have a very high self-concept when rating myself on the very narrow range of things I'm good at (booking travel, assisting women in labor, Family Feud).  I have very low self-esteem about anything that I have to do that is outside of that narrow range (including but not limited to: Attending meetings, Cartooning, Cleaning up sticky things, Diving, Gardening, Hemming pants, Hula Hooping, Not throwing up, Pottery, Putting on makeup, Riding in a car, Speaking German, and Track & Field).

5 A good juggler 
I don't have a very high tolerance for complexity.  On the other hand, I have a very complex life.  So I guess it's more accurate to say that I don't have a high tolerance for a life more complex than mine already is.  I think that I probably am a bad juggler, as evidenced by the fact that answering the phone absolutely overwhelms me almost every day.

6 A love of intensity 
I do really love intensity about 5 days a week.  Two days a week I like sleeping 14 hour days, not talking to anyone, and not getting out of my pjs until late afternoon.

10 Appreciation for diversity 
I love different people, different ideas, different ways of viewing the world.  I believe that I have a great appreciation for all kinds of people, although I would not like to live with all of them.

6 Interpersonal skills
See "a talent for intimate relationships" above.
5.6 (Mean) Ability to be flexible (2), creative (10), and spontaneous (5)
I get wildly different scores on different items on this list.  I'm definitely inflexible.  I get set in my ways.  I like eating at the same restaurants every day, wearing the same clothes every day, reading the same books every day, etc.  But I'm very creative.  I'm spontaneous unless it gets in the way of my inflexibility.
10 A sex positive attitude 
I'm a big fan of sex.  I teach sex.  I have sex.  I draw pictures in celebration of sex.  Sex is great.

10 An independent streak
I'm independent to the point of obnoxiousness.
4 A team spirit 
I don't work well with others.  I work well when I get to take charge.  I work well when I don't care at all about the outcome and someone just tells me what to do.  I don't work well when I care about the outcome but I don't get to dictate everyone else's behavior.

5 A commitment to personal and spiritual growth
I believe in personal development and growth.  Like, I want to become a better cook some day.  On the other hand, I have a very good awareness of my deeper, not food related, personal weaknesses and I've constructed my life such that I can avoid most of them rather than try to overcome them.  If my life gets too far away from my predesignated settings, then my weaknesses stare me glaringly in the face.  This is uncomfortable.  Most of my personal weaknesses are not mild (you know, like a 3 on a 10 point scale).  Most of my personal weaknesses are severe (like a -3 on a 10 point scale).  Trying to overcome such severe personal weaknesses is disheartening and I can only take them on slowly (like, dealing with one every 6 or 7 years).

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